Frequently Asked Questions
111 N Kings Ave. Brandon, FL 33510
Serving Tampa Bay and Central Florida since 1970
Are the GSA safes and doors fireproof or waterproof?
No. GSA Approved Safes and doors are not fire rated or waterproof.
Can I purchase a refurbished/used container or lock?
Can I receive credit or trade-in my used container?
Do I need to post my requirement on GSA eBuy?
Do I need to replace my container if it has a black label?
How do I dispose of my locks or GSA approved security containers?
How do I find a qualified locksmith to work on my GSA security container?
If the vault door is missing any other label besides the GSA approved vault door label, does it fail inspection?
What is the difference between a Style 1 and a Style 2 lock?
Where do I purchase the Information Processing System (IPS) Containers?
Who do I contact to have my container re-certified?
Can anyone buy a security container from GSA?
Can I lease a GSA Approved Safe?
Does it really take 90 days to receive a security container?
How do I determine what GSA-approved security container I should order?
- Determine whether the material to be stored in the container is classified or arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E). See the Storage Matrix tool on the DoD Lock Program site.
- Figure out how much material there is so the size of the container can be selected (e.g. single-drawer, 2-drawer, 4-drawer, or 5-drawer).
- Decide how many locks are needed on the container — one per container or one per drawer.
- Finally, view the Class 5 and 6 Security Container catalog.
How do I know which container, National Stock Number (NSN) I should purchase
Where do I go to place my online order?
Does GSA accept a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)?
Does GSA accept a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)?
It depends. If your order is above $250,000, GSA will accept MIPR orders. However, it is not preferable as there are all kinds of contortions involved. Otherwise, you may use your Government Purchase Card (GPC), Activity Address Code (AAC), or Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) for your security container purchase.
How do I process payment through DFAS?
How do I request an Activity Address Code (AAC or DoDAAC)?
What is an AAC or DoDAAC?
If I’m paying with a Government Purchase Card (GPC), do I still need my AAC when placing my order online?
I need a GSA-approved security container to replace a container that is not approved. Where can I go to get a replacement without having to purchase a new one?
Can I make modifications/alterations to the container?
The “Test Certification” label on the inside of the locking drawer or door, and the “General Services Administration Approved Security Container/Vault Door” label on the outside of the container/door will be removed. Therefore, the only approved or allowed modifications are the repairs to neutralization or replacement of parts such as drawer slides and handles.
What lock comes with the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) GSA Approved containers?
All FMS orders for containers which require mechanical locks will continue to use the S&G 2937 in accordance with Federal Specification FF-L-2937 [PDF] as there is no limited use requirement. This includes Field Safes, Weapons Containers, and Armory Vault Doors.
How do I determine the appropriate storage for given materials?
Within the DoD, certain materials must be stored in specific ways. For storage requirements, please visit the DoD Lock Program.
For additional questions, Call the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline at 800-290-7607, 805-982-1212, or DSN 551-1212.
I want all my doors in the house to open with one key. Is this possible?
It Is Not Always Possible to Open All Locks with One Key
If your locks are made by different brands or are of different types, you may have no choice but to use different keys for each one, unless you want to replace the locks with ones made by the same manufacturer.
Do I need to change my locks or just need my existing locks re-keyed?
You should only change your locks if you want or need new ones because it’s generally more expensive than simply having your locks rekeyed. For example, if your locks are old and wearing out, changing them will be a better option than rekeying them.
Do locksmiths have a “master” key that fits all locks?
Patent-protection assures that only certified individuals are allowed to have keys duplicated. In a Master Key System one key can operate different types of locks (for example, door locks, cabinet locks, padlocks, etc.) as long as the cylinder inside them is of the same model.
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